Kingfisher reveals half of sales come from sustainable products

DIY giant Kingfisher has revealed that more than £6.4bn of group sales now come from Sustainable Home Products (SHPs), amounting to nearly half (49.4%) its total revenue.

The B&Q owner also reported it had already exceeded its 2025/26 targets for carbon emissions reduction and reduced its Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by a significant 62% since the 2016/17 baseline – surpassing its goal of a 37.8% reduction. 

Last year, Kingfisher partnered with several other home improvement retailers to form a global taskforce to encourage the sector in its Scope 3 emission reductions.

The DIY firm is now working on new targets for Scope 3 emissions in collaboration with its vendors, which include B&Q and Screwfix.

Kingfisher chief executive Thierry Garnier said: “Leading our industry in responsible business and energy efficiency is an important part of our ‘Powered by Kingfisher’ strategy.”

“While we still have a journey ahead, I’m pleased that over the last year we have made strong progress on many of our targets.”

In its latest Responsible Business report, the retailer outlined four priorities of inclusivity, climate action, making homes greener and healthier and supporting community housing needs.

The retailer made notable progress towards its inclusivity goals. In 2023/24, women comprised 28.6% of its senior leadership roles and 39.6% of management positions – moving closer to the targets of 35% and 40% by 2025/26, respectively.

Community support remains a key component of Kingfisher’s Responsible Business strategy. The retailer set an ambitious goal to aid more than 2m people with housing needs by 2025/26, a target that was reached ahead of schedule.

In the past year alone, Kingfisher’s community projects reached more than 1.2m people, bringing the total to 3.2m since 2016/17.

Recognising the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products, Kingfisher has also introduced a green star product mark to help customers easily identify products with a lower environmental impact.

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